Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dad's First Adjustment!!!

I am still playing catch up with the blog. So much has gone on in the last few weeks, and I've wanted to share it with you all, but simply have not had the time. So here is yet another entry from my father's visit last month that I sadly, never got around to sharing.

For those of you who have never met my father, he was born with only half of a hip. He's had several surgeries throughout his life, starting as a child, and running through his adult years, to attempt to build a hip for him. Because of this abnormality my father has always walked with a limp, and in these past twenty years or so he has walked with the aid of a cane. He's also the type of person to not complain when something physically is bothering him, because well, he's lived with discomfort his whole life, and so he knows how to deal with it.

That being said, he has NEVER been to a chiropractor! For one reason or another he felt he didn't "need" it, and so he never went. Well, his daughter fell in love with and married a chiropractor, so I'm sure you can imagine how frequent in the past four years he's heard me say, "Dad, you should get your spine checked!" So when he came out for a visit last month, Christian and I brought my dad back to office after we had closed up shop and Christian gave my dad his very first chiropractic adjustment!

Dad couldn't get over how easily his neck turned, and a pain in his lower back, which he had been "dealing" with was lessened to the point where he couldn't even feel it. But what truly blew him away, was that his whole life, walking with a limp, and with a cane, Christian balanced his hips and his leg lengths evened out!

I'm so proud of my Dad for allowing us to go outside his comfort zone to do something positive for his health. Needless to say, he was adjusted several times by Christian while he was here in New Jersey, and his daughter (me) went out of her way to find a wonderful chiropractor in Oregon so that he can continue care and enjoy what he said makes his body "feel like a teenager again."

Dr. Christian checking out Dad's posture, then showing him what it looks like. (Remember the office was closed when we did this, hence Dr. Christian's super chill clothes. hee hee)
Happy Dad having x-rays taken.
Dr. Christian palpating Dad's neck to show him tender spots that really shouldn't be there.
Dr. Christian checking Dad's leg lengths that have balanced out with the aid of S.O.T. blocks (Its a Chiro thing. hee hee)
Dr. Christian using A.K. to find subluxations in my Dad's spine. (A subluxation is a misalignment of the vertebra in the spine.)
Dad just chilling out, totally relaxed and really loving his adjustment!

For those who wish to learn more about Chiropractic, or to find a chiropractor in your neighborhood check out our office website.

1 comment:

Dani said...

Yay for chiropractors!! I love it when someone gets adjusted for the first time and becomes a believer! Glad that it helped your dad so much... though I must say, I'm not surprised. :)