The list is titled, " Things I have learned throughout my life" (I was only 19 went I wrote this)
- Believe in those around you
- Trust in one another
- Remember please and thank you
- Enjoy the simple things in life
- Reach for the stars
- Life isn't always easy
- Listen to your heart
- Indulge once in a while
- Family is always there, even when you don't want them to be, and especially when you need them to be
- Love your soul
- Friends are worth their weight in gold
- The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence
- Be kind to each other.
- Bring out the child inside of you every now and then
- Perseverance is the key to success
- Savor every moment
- Always be thankful for what you do have
- Set goals
- Let out the artist in you
- Walk a mile in another person's shoes
- Relax and take it easy for a change
- Remember your dreams
- Go outside and play
- Working together as a team gets things done much quicker
- Turn up the music and sing along
- Do your research first
- Kiss with your eyes closed
- Plant a tree for your tomorrow
- Put your arms in the air during a roller coaster ride
- Do the things you like to do
- Don't stop running till you've crossed the finish line
- Get dressed up occasionally
- Admire nature for what it is
- Don't be afraid to express yourself
- If you don't know the answer to something, look it up
- Take deep cleansing breaths from the diaphragm when stressed
- Keep in mind that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
- Learn from your mistakes
- Laugh whole heartily
- Never compromise your integrity
- Be responsibly for your actions
- Not all advice is good advice
- Look at a cloud close enough and you can really see it's silver lining
- Give back to the community
- Have faith, it will help you through all your difficult times
- Knowledge is more than just reading from a book
- Help out around the house
- Keep in touch with your best friend from school
- Don't force your opinions on to anyone
- Try to make a good first impression
- Share your stories with your family
- Humble yourself and pray
- Nothing beats a new pair of comfortable shoes
- Every day is fresh with no mistakes in it
- Try not to be harsh and judgemental
- Stop to smell the roses, and lilacs, and honeysuckle, and all the flowers in between
- If you feel trapped remember, things aren't set in stone. You have the power to change them
- Be strong and stand firm in your beliefs
- Thank a teacher for doing their job
- Remember, Heavenly Father loves you and is always watching over you
- Believe in yourself